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Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Review

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Review. Developments of a capacitive touch screen as nullify the need for a stylus. No longer need hearing aids, interaction with the gadget can be done instantly with the touch of a hand.

But any kind of a hand turns cannot replace the role of pen on paper for specific needs. Especially, of course, related to the need to draw images such as graphic design, remixing or just scribble ideas.

Therefore, perhaps the best innovation ever conducted on the Android Samsung is adding the stylus on the Galaxy Note. The addition of Samsung's stylus is done differently to those of other vendors. So far, the S Pen Samsung is among the most smoothly on Android.

Galaxy Note may be spelled success as a semi-tablet device that is used for drawing. So the next logical step is to expand the surface of the screen: born the Galaxy Note 10.1.

With a larger screen, the Galaxy Note 10.1 earnest a tablet. But, if the innovation stops at mere "add stylus on the Galaxy Tab 2"?

Shape and Design

Let's start with the physical form. At first glance, the appearance of Galaxy Note 10.1 is almost no difference with the Galaxy Tab 2 10.1. We tried the white, but it is also available with a choice of black.

Compared to the first generation Galaxy Tab tablet design was already much changed. Her face is now adorned by aluminum bezel colors. At Galaxy Note 10.1, the top and bottom bezel is thinner than the Galaxy Tab 2.

Samsung also put the speaker on the front of the tablet; this reduces the possibility of a closed hand speaker when used to watch videos and more.

The placement of the buttons and ports on Galaxy Note 10.1 is focused on the upper side of the device. Starting from the audio jack (for headphones), sending an infrared signal (e.g. remote control), a slot for SD Card, volume control and power switch.

At the bottom, Samsung appears to be still retain data and power ports are flat. Port is really odd, because it briefly looked like a port on the iPad but it obviously will not fit if the cable iPad planted there. It would be nice if Samsung forget this kind of port and use the micro-USB port is more prevalent.

At the bottom of the exit is also the S Pen, stylus pen for Galaxy Note typical 10.1. This pen hidden in a special slot on the right side of the device.

White and silver alloys on Galaxy Note 10.1 we tried seemed pretty sweet. I do not know if it has been used for a long time, whether it is tarnished white line user activity. Besides white, Samsung provides a choice of black.

First impressions were obtained when holding the Galaxy Note 10.1 is not very steady. Elements of the plastic used on the body are not tablet feels solid in the hand.

On the other hand, the selection of plastic allows light wasGalaxy Note 10.1. Much lighter than other tablet devices that use aluminum surface.

At the back of the tablet there is a camera. The quality is not too being expected. After all, who wants to take pictures with a 10-inch tablet?

Special Swoop S Pen

Well, this is the most interesting part of his family Samsung Galaxy Note: S Pen. Especially for those who love to draw, it could be S Pen is the only reason that makes the Galaxy Note worth buying.

Galaxy Note S Pen pad 10.1 is slightly different than that used in the first generation Galaxy Note. This time, Samsung is using Wacom technology, which was already a standard pen tablet plus among graphic designers.

Size and material S Pen is quite comfortable to use as a pen. S Pen can be used on the screen and detect the position and pen pressure to produce different effects.

When the S Pen removed or put in place at the bottom of the tablet, there are sound effects that arise. It might be an interesting feature or not, depending on user preferences on the sounds. Even more importantly, when the pen was issued, the icon will appear automatically from multiple application options that are considered best able to make use of S Pen.

Unfortunately, the range of applications that appears when S Pen removed it cannot be selected or changed. Users can only be set to display a row of icons or automatically run one application.

Samsung default application most obvious use of the ability of S Pen is S Note. With multiple modes of drawing tools (pen, pencil, and brush up highlighter) application can be used to simply scribble the idea to make a sketch.

S Note also has handwriting recognition capabilities. Although, when tested, handwriting recognition seems friendly for English.

To bring up the ability to read the handwriting was also a bit tricky. This ability can be activated when the virtual keyboard on the screen, then the user must touch and hold the Settings button on the keyboard until the selection of the microphone icon, pens and gear. Each icon means: to enable dictation microphone; pen for handwriting, and gear for the setting.

The ability of S Pen will be felt when running graphics applications. Fortunately, the Galaxy Note comes with Photoshop Touch 10.1 (PS Touch) that has been optimized for this device to be able to detect variations in pressure on the S Pen.

Multitasking, Multiscreen

Samsung teach a little more Android tablet maker, such as what should be multitasking. Although it is far from perfect, but some things are good ideas that potential.

Multitasking on the Galaxy Note 10.1 appears in a particular application that runs in its own window. Applications such as Task Manager, for example, appear as a small window on top of other applications.

Then, the default video player application on the Galaxy Note 10.1 can also be "removed" so that the video plays in a small window, hovering above the screen in other applications. It lets users play video while doing something else: multitasking.

Samsung also emphasizes multiscreen feature. If enabled the two applications can run side by side at the same time, by splitting the screen into two parts. Unfortunately, multitasking capabilities and Multiscreen was still limited. Only certain applications that could run it, the default application of the Galaxy Note 10.1.


In terms of performance, the Galaxy Note 10.1 fairly reliable way to run applications that are quite heavy. Not surprisingly, the processor is already quad-core processor, making it more capable. However, users need to monitor what applications are running or the "remaining" in the background. Make use Task Manager to shut down the application of active applications and, occasionally, empty the temporary memory.

For battery life, long battery performance testing Galaxy Note is quite good depending on the running application. If he turned on Wi-Fi and 3G, the battery only lasted 4-5 hours. However, if the non-active Wi-Fi and limited use, the battery can last up to 1 day or more.

The most promising of these devices is S Pen and Multitasking capabilities plus Multiscreen her. Unfortunately, the special ability is not accompanied by a rich selection of applications. If Samsung can open up and convince developers to develop applications that take advantage of specific capabilities S Pen or Multitasking and Multiscreen earlier, this device would be more useful.

- S Pen by Wacom technology
- Multiscreen and Multitasking
- The processor is fast
- Widescreen and wider to draw

- Many sounds are "unnecessary"
- Memory note and often "cleaned"
- It feels less sturdy when held
- Multiscreen and Multitasking only for applications built


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